Thursday, September 07, 2006

Dengue Season

It's mosquito season again and a lot of people are falling prey to dengue season. This means that blood is again in demand. Dengue victims need platelets because their platelet count is dangerously low. Yesterday morning, I received a text from my best friend regarding my blood type. Her cousin might need blood and she's helping them look for possible donors.

This morning I went for a blood screening to see if I'm physically fit. All those boxing sessions paid off and I can donate blood without ending up in a hospital ward! So far, the dengue victim is recuperating well. If all goes well, I need not donate blood. If ever, this will be my first time to donate blood and I'm kinda scared. I didn't trade a day off back in college for a pack of my blood because of the giant needles... and you know how I love days off from school!


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