Monday, June 26, 2006

I Hate Needles

I hate needles! Getting a shot is not that painful but I somehow have this weird phobia of facing the syringe.

Three years ago, I got this really strange fever for 4 days. My mom was scared that it might be dengue/H-fever or some of those fevers which can cause death if not diagnosed right away. To confirm her suspicions, we went to to the doctor to have blood samples taken and tested. Since I wanted to overcome my fear of the needle, I made it a point to watch every single step that the medical technician- from the preparation of the syringe to the insertion of the needle into my skin, took. Unluckily, the technician was not that experienced, she wasn't able to draw blood and was wriggling the darned needle inside my skin.

At that point, I was feeling nauseous already and before I knew it... I passed out. When I woke up, my skin felt cold and clammy and I was also perspiring heavily. After that, the fever went away! The fever was also scared of the needle. Hehe!

My mom was supposed to give me my flu shot last night. She prefers to buy the medicine herself and inject us with it because doctors here overcharge their patients and we don't know if the medicine was really handled properly. She was a registered nurse before she entered into business, by the way. Being the chicken that I am, I told her that I will get the shot if I feel better already. I just came home from Sydney and I feel that my resistance is not that good (yeah right). It's just an excuse. I've gotta have some psychological preparation before getting that shot.


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