Monday, December 25, 2006

Saying Goodbye

With everything, saying goodbye is never easy---be it to the good, the bad or things/events that just are.

Why do a lot of people cry during weddings, funerals, graduations or even when a colleague leaves? I think that it's because it symbolizes the end of one part of life and the beginning of another. Though beginnings are exciting events which we often look forward to, one can't help but fill a tinge of sadness what was once was becomes but a memory. It's only normal to dread changes which we encounter in life. Everybody's afraid of the unknown.

Right now, I'm once again at one of the crossroads in my life. Tough huh?! Thing is, we get more and more resistant to change as we get more rooted. So, right now, I'm having a hard time dealing with all the changes simultaneously happening in my life.

First is that I'm leaving my job soon to venture into business. I didn't really think that I would end up and be a businessman when I graduated in college. Then, I wanted to be a multilingual finance guy. However, God has other plans for me and I have to heed His call or else be miserable. The stability one gets from having a stable income every month from the company is very hard to leave behind but, one can't have everything and I had to choose. We'll all be teary eyed during my last day and that's that. After a day, everything will be back to normal.

Second is that my ex-boyfriend already has a girl. It's kinda stupid to feel sad when I was the one who broke up with him in the first place. But I guess that in this new chapter in his life, I should be prepared for a lot more changes which will be coming my way. Do I still love him? The answer is yes- I don't believe that a person can unlove one whom he/she has loved. My love could have evolved to a different kind of love but it's still love.

I seem to be depressed over the changes in my life but it's just a phase. I'm not afraid because I'm confident that I will be able to make the best out of these changes, with God's help of course.

It may sound silly but if you offer all your pains and hurts to God, He really takes a big load off your shoulders. God didn't really give me what I want to happen. He has His own plans which we may not yet understand now. But with patience, we will see how everything will fall into place. Faith really does work miracles.


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